Blog Workshop
My first collaborative work between Alumni Teachers and my institution Madania School was to conduct a one-day ICT workshop for teachers on Saturday Oct 7, 2006 at Madania campus, Parung, Bogor. On the workshop entitling "The advantanges of weblog in the learning processes", I was asked to deliver a sharing time with the participants, who were teachers and school administrators, about my experience in creating and benefitting weblog. After sharing, I trained about 50 teachers on how to create a weblog. Each participant received a tutotial book about Blogging provided by State Alumni Teachers. After the workshop, the participants now have had a weblog and they would optimize it in publishing and supporting the process of learning in their classrooms. This workshop was also a collaboration among, Madania School, Alumni Teachers, Microsoft, and Detikinet. Click for more photos.
wow what a cool blog with cool author ofcourse. that's why we love life: it's about something to do. right, pale? still remember me?
By mohamad hary, at 9:19 AM
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