The Best Moment In Time for Education

Saturday, September 30

Entertaining Children: Sing, Play and Make Them Happy

Week 11.
Grade 8 English classes were about involving the students to speak more English through a visit to Primary students in Africa. John and I brainstormed the students with a few English children songs and games for them to play with the students such as "the wheel on the bus", "Simon says", "1-2-3 freeze!", and many more. During the visits, students showed their skills of public speaking (to children as audience) and their confidence to act, sing, and play the games. They showed up with thier own ideas too. The teachers observed and assessed their performances and shared it with us as reflections. This project is to build awaremess and show everyone that we are all one and learn hand-in-hand. Together we learn from each other!

Tuesday, September 26

Quantum Leap

Hi Everyone.
I am no longer teaching Elementary classes coz beginning school year 2006-2007 I am working with Middle School Teachers of Madania. I am teaching English. Many students of mine called it far jumping, from year 3 to year 8. Now I have around 110 students of 5 classes. I hope for a success being a middle school teacher this year. Here is the photo of some of my students. Last week, they cooked spaghetti bolognaise to implement the lesson of sequences and the imperative sentnece. First, chop the onions and garlic. Then, stir fry them with a little oil in medium heat. After that, . . . They cooked very well and produced delicious product.