The Best Moment In Time for Education

Thursday, December 14

Thank You Madania and Good Bye friends!

Dear all,

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
20th December 2006 is going to be my last day to be with Madania. I am going to resign from this school due to my new job at Sampoerna Foundation Teacher Institute. My first day there is going to be on the 2nd January 2007 and I look forward to it. I am going to work in the special program development whose job is to develop possible training programs for teachers and deliver training for teachers.

4,5 years with Madania has given me a lot of great things. I have been through wonderful times being a teacher of elementary (4 years) and middle year (6 months). As a teacher, Madania has taught me fantastic lessons to grow and learn together with other teachers to be 'real' teachers, maybe most wanted teachers. I will never forget all the great times I used to have such as the Ciputat training days in 2002, the experiences being with my lovely students in grade 5 (2002/2003), 2J (2003/2004), 3J (2004/2005), 3J (2005/2006), and my 6-months stay with my teenage students in 8J (2006/2007) this year. Those years are fascinating! Thank you to my great, helpful, and fun colleagues who have supported and worked hand-in-hand to make all teaching experiences possible for the students for their growth academically, physically, mentally, and socially. Hope they will be 'great people' someday to make a better nation and the world in the future. I shall also thank to the parents whose children were my students in those years I was with them. Thank you and I will never forget all the assistance and wonderful cooperation. I wish a greater success for Madania school in the future and look forward to the possible partnership with my new institution we can make in the making of better educational program tomorrow. To all dearest Madanians, wish you all the best and in your work. I will never forget you all.

Last, I would like to appologize for all the mistakes I have made to all of you my dear fellows. I hope to see you again in the future occasions to work together in possible forms of cooperation. God blesses you all.
Take care.

Tuesday, December 5

EL Formative Test

Dear parents and students,

El formative test for grade 8 will be on 11-15 December 2006.
The test will assess students' listening, reading, grammar application (present tenses and passice voice) and writing. Oral test is given too and will be assessed by John. Have your child be ready and good luck students!